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One question for my wife. She would like to know --after we read your entire site - if antidepressants could help make a TS happy enough to not care whether they are TS, or need to transition. Basically it's become a life or death issue for me. I know I can't continue living like I am. Its taking it's toll on my mental well-being. I know we are grasping at straws, and I'm sure we are not the first to ask this, but is getting on zoloft, welbutrin, or any other antidepressant a viable option? Has it been tried? Does it work?

One question for my wife. She would like to know --after we read your entire site - if antidepressants could help make a TS happy enough to not care whether they are TS, or need to transition. Basically it's become a life or death issue for me. I know I can't continue living like I am. Its taking it's toll on my mental well-being. I know we are grasping at straws, and I'm sure we are not the first to ask this, but is getting on zoloft, welbutrin, or any other antidepressant a viable option? Has it been tried? Does it work?

  By -- Mar 16, 2022

Your question regarding antidepressants (SSRIs) is very common. Antidepressants-- usually prescribed by a primary care physician these days-- is usually the first thing most males try before they come into see me or any other gender specialist. No doubt SSRIs have some mitigating effect on mood but they are, at best, a Band-Aid. Since depression in gender dysphoric males is secondary to their gender issue, the underlying problem continues to persist. We know that to be true because estrogen (which is something of an antidepressant itself), even in moderate doses, routinely resolves both the dysphoria and the depression while SSRIs alone do not. I know this answer leads to further concerns but that is an issue that needs to be addressed in person between you and a therapist. I hope this has led to some clarification.

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