What is the difference between Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorder?
By -- Mar 16, 2022
Actually there is no clinical difference. It is the same phenomenon. Gender Identity Disorder was the official diagnosis given to gender dysphoric patients per the DSM IV. With the publication of DSM 5 in 2014, the official diagnosis was softened to Gender Dysphoria. Dysphoria can be defined as a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life. In this case, it has to do with a deep or even morbid dissatisfaction over being assigned a gender role opposite of what the individual experiences internally. The term Gender Identity Disorder (GID) first appeared in the Fourth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM, 1994). It replaced the term "Transsexualism" from a previous version. The diagnosis was changed in DSM 5 to more accurately describe the phenomenon.