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Are there many levels of gender variance or is it just something that you have or don't have?

Are there many levels of gender variance or is it just something that you have or don't have?

  By -- Mar 16, 2022

Gender Identity varies from having an unquestionable sense of being male to an equally unquestionable sense of being female. In fact this is the definition of being Cisgendered. Because gender identity is hormonally set by the genetalia of the developing baby, most people emerge at birth with sex and gender identity aligned. However, pre-natal hormone availability is subject to extraneous influences, creating a gender identity continuum with some people falling somewhere between the poles of the male/female binary. It is only when a person's location on the continuum crosses over the line into the other side from which they were assigned at birth, do we have the beginnings of clinical gender dysphoria. The further their feelings are from their birth assigned sex, the more intense the dysphoria, and the more likely he or she will only find relief by taking cross-sex hormones.

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