What surgery is performed?
Depending on the appearance and health of the patient, surgery for male-to-female transsexuals may include: Facial feminization Surgery, removal of the penis (penectomy); construction of a vagina (vaginoplasty); removal of the testicles (orchiectomy); construction of a clitoris (clitoroplasty); and possible breast augmentation; nose reshaping (rhinoplasty); cosmetic surgery such as hair transplants or facial remodeling; shaving of the Adam's apple (thyroid chrondroplasty) and raising the pitch of the voice (crico-thyroid. For female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals, surgery may include removal of the womb and ovaries (hysterectomy and oophorectomy); removal of the breasts and male chest contouring (bilateral mastectomy); matoidioplasty( freeing of the hormonally enlarged clitoris) and possibly construction of a penis (phaloplasty). Only a small number of FTM transsexuals undergo phaloplasty because of the expense and what most of them consider less than adequate surgical results.
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