I am 53 years old an am struggling to come to terms with being a transsexual. I was reading a web site that said you had written an article about confronting one's gender issues "before it is too late". I looked for it on your web site but couldn't find it. Could you direct me to it, please?
I am not at all certain as to what essay the author of the web site was referring to. Although I think I know what the author means, I would never advise anyone to transition "before it is too late". First of all I have never advised anyone to transition. That is a decision only the individual can make. If a client of mine decides to transition then I am there to help him or her through it. I can, however, tell you that the median age of my current client load of MTFs is about 48. As you might expect, the problems a 48 year old MTF has far exceeds those of someone younger who has not had the time to become so heavily invested (family and career obligations) in being male.
Other than that, if I recall correctly, there is a section in the following essay of mine that deals with mid-life issues. Check it out. http://www.avitale.com/developmentalreview.htm
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