Joy in Crossdressing
A Significant Other View
by Julie FreemanThis article is reprinted with permission from DEVIL WOMAN, the Diablo Valley Girls newsletter. Ms Freeman is the wife of a crossdresser. She can be reached at
Joy in Crossdressing
At a recent conference, one of the seminars for wives included a discussion of whether or not joy could be found in crossdressing. Not on the part of the crossdresser--that is pretty well known. But whether or not there is joy in the relationship on the part of the significant other. This was part of the research that Peggy Rudd is conducting for a book she hopes to publish sometimes this year.
Now most significant others were not aware of crossdressing prior to their first relationship with a crossdresser. Most would say that they would have preferred crossdressing not to have become part of their world. But there are a few wives who have made crossdressing a prerequisite to a SECOND marriage or relationship. These are the significant others who have found joy...